Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Sure, I've blogged a little about LITERARY AGENT: A THRILLER, my newest release. I've shared the blurb with you, and this past Sunday, I shared a teaser chapter on this very space. Today, let's talk about the contents of the story, some of the characters, and some of the plot threads you've followed these last few years.

1. Something is going on with Jaclyn and Tom's personal life. And it's a good thing, too. We find out what that thing is within the first three chapters. Of course, don't speed through the usual explosive beginning in order to get there, or else you'll miss just exactly for what--whom?--they're searching.

2. If you didn't hate Dick Bennett before reading LITERARY AGENT, you will absolutely despise him by the time you've finished reading LITERARY AGENT.

3. The plot thread between Bennett and Jennifer Farrell reaches its denouement.

4. Who won the election? Was it Bennett, or did Forrister reclaim the White House? LITERARY AGENT answers this ever important question.

5. Who writes antagonists that makes you want to throw up? This guy!!! Charles Mathews is a deranged ex-member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. He wants three things, one of which happens to be a piece of sporting hardware his native and beloved Canada hasn't won in twenty years.

6. But is Mathews the true terrorist behind it all? You'll have to download and read to be sure!

Pick up your copy of LITERARY AGENT: A THRILLER for Kindle US, Kindle UK, Nook, Kobo, and Apple iBooks.

Happy reading!

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