Saturday, March 22, 2014

Spring Cleaning, Spring Changes: New Covers

Ahhh, Spring is here (although you wouldn't know it by the air temperature). The time for change. The snow melts, replaced by warmer air and green leaves. Windows get thrown open after the winter doldrums, houses aired out. It is a time of renewal more than anything.

For yours truly, it is a time of change, as well. This morning, I pulled a razor across my winter growth, cutting the bristles away for the first time in months. My face feels clean, and I don't have the urge to pull my mustache away as I try to eat something with topping. It also reminds me that until October, I'll have to shave at least twice a week to let the sun down upon my skin.

But Spring is also a time of change for several books. Call it a Spring Cleaning.

With the help of author pal David Wood (we co-authored FREEDOM, a novella set in David's Dane Maddock series), we've played around with the covers for the Jaclyn Johnson series, and I uploaded them this morning. There'll be some lag time as they propagate on the Internet, but I'm hoping that within three days, the new covers will be up.

Authors do this on occasion to freshen up the book and give it new life, with the hope that a new cover and a new brand will spur sales. My old covers were good, and Trish did an incredible job with them.

Were my books selling? For the most part. With the addition of the feminine silhouette to the covers, it gives the cover a harder, thriller edge. I do lose the witty, boob-alicious tag line, though. But with change comes sacrifice. If anything, it'll keep me from having to come up with a new tag referring to the girls.

Hope you like them!

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